Wednesday 18 November 2009

Football Club Chairman, do they live in the real world?

Recent developments at various clubs leave their fans at a loss to understand their reasoning and their motives.

At Hull City rumours of financial problems lead to former Chairman Paul Duffen to resign and owner Russell Bartlett install Adam Pearson in is place, A funny thing as Pearson had resigned from Derby County three days prior to Duffen going. Rumours were rife that Pearson would sack manager Phil Brown as a priority but left him in charge for the home game against Stoke. The result against Stoke appear to be not what he wanted.


Adam Pearson pictured above, looks like he has lost the game, not having just seen his team beat Stoke, a team very hard to take points off. One can only assume that the game did not go according to his and the owners script.

Russell Bartlett Hull's owner also looks non to pleased with the win. Perhaps Phil Brown's inspired win prevented him from some kind of manoeuvre only he and Pearson were party to.

Assistant manager Brian Horton appeared to know the game as he salutes the chair after the win.

Paul Duffen shed some light on the finaces, details of which would lead some to believe that any problems were infact made up. It appears that the forced sale of Michael Turner to Sunderland was a direct cause of a loan from Hull to one of Bartletts companies, with their bank requiring a repayment of £3m.

Russell Bartlett has now made it known that the club is for sale, he had wanted Pearson to reduce the wage bill from its present £30m, a figure most would consider not enough to compete in the Preier League at any level. To survive without a constant relegation battle a budget closer to £50m would prove to be a minimum.

Granted there are players that do not have the level of skill to compete at this level but we have all seem what happens when injury comes along. The manager has to shuffle his pack as he does not have suitable cover for key positions, when the keeper gets injured the team are in dire trouble. Yes Bartlett's money with the help of Phil Brown got Hull to where they are now but as other teams have found, you have to protect the position you have and that means spending money.

Sacking Phil Brown would only help if they had someone that could do a better job, there is not anyone better available, if there was he would come at a price that was not affordable.

The man rumoured to be a possible replacement also suffered a problem with his chairman at Peterborough.

With his team rooted to the bottom of the Championship Darren Ferguson came under pressure from owner Darragh McAnthony, like the situation at Hull the chairman thought that his money should be buying more success than it was.

The ending at Peterborough is very different Ferguson and Peterborough parting their ways.


Darragh McAnthony Peterborough chairman felt that his squad was equal to the Leicester City team that they had just played, something that Ferguson did not agree with, he felt that they were not good enough to compete in the championship. Given that most of the players were bought from lower league clubs most people would aggree with him, infact they were over achieving to be there.

It does not matter which league that you are competing in, if you do not invest in the right tools, ie players and managers you cannot expect to succeed. Peterborough would appear not to consider this as they have gone with a new manager from a non league club in their quest to improve their position in the Championship, this is the league that is considered the hardest to progress from, also Peterborough are far from being ready to move up any further.

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